Entradas populares

viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011


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Twenty-two years ago today, Sub Pop held its historic Lamefest show, featuring Mudhoney, TAD and Nirvana, at the 1,400-capacity Moore Theater in Seattle. Nirvana’s then second guitarist, Jason Everman, made a brave sartorial choice, wearing Mickey Mouse shorts onstage. You can get a look at them in this video from that evening:
What possibly could have inspired Everman’s outfit? “I made the Mickey Mouse shorts I wore onstage,” he revealed to me. “It was kind of absurd, the red pants with the big yellow buttons. I got the idea from this Calvin and Hobbes story, which I thought was really funny. In the comic, Hobbes is telling Calvin, ‘Check out my Mickey Mouse pants.’ And Calvin is like, ‘I don’t know.’”

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