Courtney Love said that she never had sex with Bradley Cooper
Sacado de Twitter // Extracted of twitter
Y lo dejo en inglés porque soy incapaz de traducirlo
@xojanedotcom jane i havent seen you since the bunker! niceish brit called from ‘star’ did i sleep w brad cooper?I NEVER MET HIM
plus w my pr- and even without it- i rarely tell anyone who i sleep with- iget some- but i keep it so quiet- wait til its over.
they mean that guy from the hangover? huh? i was standing between duchovney and gosling a month back and that was NICE- thatsit
they mean that guy from the hangover? huh? i was standing between duchovney and gosling a month back and that was NICE- thatsit
“Just meet me in the bedroom” -Courtney Love “‘Meet me in the bathroom’ That’s what she said” -Julian Casablancas
ok meet me in the bathroom mach 2 its david bowies bathroom and has a crazy spaceship japanese toilet!
ok meet me in the bathroom mach 2 its david bowies bathroom and has a crazy spaceship japanese toilet!
ahh i love a sense of civic responsibility. thank fuck- lets flush the toilet on this nightmare and move on
and to those who’ve been supportive i love you and to those who have not i don’t care – you will be…