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domingo, 29 de enero de 2012

Dennis Rodman dice que escuchaba a Pearl Jam cuando contemplaba la idea del suicidio

Dennis Rodman says that he listened to Pearl Jam when he contemplated the idea of suicide

La leyenda del baloncesto Dennis Rodman estubo en la "red" de la NBA y dijo que a principio de los 90s tenía una pistola en su mano y estaba sentado fuera del "Palace" y estaba contemplando el suicidio, y escuchaba Pearl Jam. Obviamente Rodman no llegó a tanto, tal vez Pearl Jam le salvó?


Basketball legend Dennis Rodman was on the NBA Network and said that in the early 90′s he had a gun in his hand and was sitting outside of The Palace and was contemplating suicide, and he was listening to Pearl Jam. Obviously Rodman didn’t go through with it, maybe Pearl Jam helped save him?

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