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domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Mark Lanegan asegura que no tendremos que esperar mucho al siguiente disco que venga después del Blues Funeral

Mark Lanegan ensures that we will not have to wait long for the next album that come after the Funeral Blues

Aquí os dejo una entrevista donde lo deja claro, sólo que he visto un comentario que dice que tiene bastante errores gramaticales, por lo que prefiero dejarlo en versión original

But all of [the collaborations] could not replace a solo output. With “Blues Funeral” the man with the innate blues now takes charge on his own again, and adds together all of the parts of his 25-year career to a new puzzle. “I’ve always done at all times, what appeared to me natural at a certain point of time,” says Lanegan, who looks clearly recovered after longtime drug excesses. “When I have enough songs that fit together somehow, I make a record out of it. But honestly, I was also craving for an own record again. After the last record I thought a break of one year may do good. Then I began with a collaboration, another one came up and so on. And suddenly, it’s been eight years. Until the next record it will not last as long again.”

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