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miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

Nuevo disco de The Toadies

New album of  The Toadies
File:ToadiesGroupshot Live07.JPG
El 31 de julio se pondrá a la venta el nuevo álbum de Toadies: “PLAY.ROCK.MUSIC”. Se suponía que iba a ser un EP pero al final la cosa fuetan bien en el estudio que será un largo. El primer single se titulará “Summer Of The Stage” y empezará a ser radiado el 8 de mayo.
July 31 will release the new album by Toadies: “PLAY.”ROCK.”MUSIC”. Supposed it was going to be an EP but in the end the thing was so well in the study that it will be a long. The first single will be called “Summer Of The Stage” and begin to be radiated on May 8.

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