Entradas populares

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Patrick Carney (The Black Keys): "Hay bandas mucho peores que Nickelback" (Portalternativo)

Patrick Carney (The Black Keys): “There is much worse bands than Nickelback” (Portalternativo)
A principios de año, el batería de los canadienses The Black Keys, Patrick Carney, se quedó a gusto con Nickelback acusando a sus compatriotas de ser los verdugos del rock. Ahora la gente de la MTV ha entrevistado al dúo y les ha preguntado si se consideran unos snobs musicales.
Creo que si, un poquito,” reconoce el frontman Dan Auerbach. Sin embargo, su compañero asegura que él “no.” Profundizando en su respuesta, Carney expone que “no me gusta la música mala. Mira, tengo muchos amigos y ninguno de ellos tiene un disco de Nickelback. No soy una pequeña minoría. Hay ciertas bandas que me avergüenzan de estar en la tierra. En su día, no quise centrarme en Nickelback – simplemente salió. Hay bandas mucho peores que Nickelback… Quizá.”
Earlier this year, Canadians Patrick Carney, The Black Keys drummer, is was comfortable with Nickelback accusing their countrymen to the executioners of the rock. Now the people of MTV has interviewed the duo and asked them if deemed a few musical snobs.
“I think that if a little bit,” recognizes the frontman Dan Auerbach. However, his partner ensures that “no.” Deepening in its reply, Carney exposes that “I don’t like bad music.” See, I have many friends and none of them has a disc of Nickelback. I am not a small minority. There are certain bands that me shame of being on Earth. In his day, did not concentrate on Nickelback – just came out. There are much worse than Nickelback bands… “Perhaps.”

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